InvestiQuant Discover

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About Discover:

iQ Discover is a “real-time research and decision support” solution that is engineered specifically to address the time-sensitive, quantitative information needs of today’s active traders – with a focus on daily and intraday trading. 

Discretionary and systematic traders of futures, options, ETFs and equities benefit from Discover’s user-friendly, integrated suite of applications that support the continuum of traders’ activities ranging from edge discovery and backtesting, to strategy management and alerting. 

Unlike other institutional-grade offerings, the entire Discover solution is delivered via a single, cloud-based platform, is 100% interactive and programming-free (allowing traders to avoid the time, cost and complexity of coding and software) and comes with access to InvestiQuant’s live training, support and research room. 

Benefits for New Traders 

Learn how the markets really work and create a trading plan based on statistical edges:

  • Understand how markets move intraday during different situations and events
  • Know which trading techniques (i.e. mean reversion, momentum, breakouts etc.) perform best in different environments
  • Create rules-based strategies and alerts to minimize discretion 

Benefits for Discretionary Traders

Stack the odds in your favor each day:

  • Develop robust, fact-based trading plans for different environments and events
  • Minimize emotions by making statistically-based decisions when the market behaves unusually 
  • Be alerted when directional market risks exist 

Benefits for Systematic Traders

Accelerate the edge discovery and research management process: 

  • Find statistically significant edges among thousands of intraday setups
  • Reduce the time spent testing ideas 
  • Prototype and validate your strategies and ideas before coding
  • More efficiently manage your research and strategy management process 
  • Save hundreds of coding hours a year

About InvestiQuant:

Since 2008, InvestiQuant has armed professional traders, speculators, and hedgers with actionable market intelligence, short term strategies and time-saving decision support and research tools.  InvestiQuant’s suite of cloud-based, broker-independent solutions address the spectrum of traders’ needs including edge discovery, backtesting, market analytics, strategy management, and real-time alerts – without the need for programming skills or special software.

The InvestiQuant team consists of professional traders, data scientists and quantitative developers committed to delivering institutional-quality applications to traders and configurable enterprise solutions to their firms. The company’s founders are West Point graduates who hold the Series 3 futures and commodities trading license. Prior to InvestiQuant, they built a cloud-based, spend management platform for global enterprises and took it public on the NASDAQ exchange. InvestiQuant is backed by its founders and private investors, many of whom were clients during the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent years.